The Scientific Committee welcomes the submission of abstracts for the 6th Landscape Archaeology Conference to be held in Madrid, Spain from June 2 – 5 2020. This year’s conference offers major research, information sharing, and networking opportunities for participants who will be able to present and attend paper and poster presentations in the many diverse sessions available as well as attend excursions to several excellent regional examples of Spanish cultural landscapes. LAC2020 is a conference open to contributions from researchers of any level. In order to participate, you are invited to submit a paper/poster proposal as per the guidelines established below. Please see the submission guidelines and important dates below to ensure a successful evaluation.
Abstracts MUST be submitted electronically via the online submission system (My Abstracts) by the given deadline of February 14th, 2020 (EXTENDED deadline: Sunday 23rd). Until then authors will also be able to edit their submitted proposal. Any abstracts received via fax, e-mail, or received after the deadline will not be considered for the conference programme.
All proposals will be initially assessed by members of the scientific committee for suitability for the Conference. Papers deemed suitable will be sent to independent expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the paper. The Scientific Committee is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of articles. All proponents will receive an acceptance/rejection notification via e-mail by March 16th, 2020. All accepted authors must register before May 05h, 2020 (April, 17th for Early Registratrion).
Author information
There is no limit on the number of authors. The first author, however, should be the lead presenter, with a maximum of two speakers per paper.
Abstract Format
- Language: All abstracts must be written in English.
- Title: The abstract title is limited to 25 words.
- Length: The maximum abstract length is 300 words
- Key words: Five key words must be provided
You will be asked to categorize your abstract in one of the conference topics Sessions
Oral Presentations
Paper presentations will normally be 15-20 minutes, although session organizers will establish the parameters within each session. All presentations and questions must be delivered in English, as English is the official language of the Conference.
Given the importance of posters to communicate your own ideas, we recommend that you adhere to the following instructions:
- High visual content that is attractive and holds the viewer’s attention.
- A clear, coherent framework that allows you to express ideas with simplicity but consistency.
- Texts should not be overly long or wordy. They are merely a supplement for your own discourse, images, concepts, and graphics.
- It is unnecessary to place everything in the poster. You will be able to give a more thorough explanation and provide further details through your interaction with the audience.
- Be as creative as possible in the way you display the information.
- Include your e-mail address so that people interested in your poster may be able to comment on and inquire about your research if you are not present.
Poster format:
Language: Posters must be written in the official language of the conference, English.
Size: 90 x 120cm.
Other issues: You must bring your poster printed and conference staff will provide materials for fixing them to the presentation boards.