Organizing Committee

Dr. Almudena Orejas is a Professor researcher at the Department of Archaeology and Social Processes (Institute of History), belonging to Spanish Council for the Scientific Research (CSIC). Her research focuses on Landscape Archaeology, particularly on ancient mining and agrarian landscapes. She has chaired several national and European projects and developed an important academic production with more than 200 contributions. She is involved in programmes oriented to the promotion of cultural landscapes as heritage.

Dr. Almudena Orejas
Almudena Orejas
Brais X. Currás
Brais X. Currás
A graduate of the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Brais X. Currás has carried out his doctoral research at the Institute of History of the CSIC within the Social Structure and Territory-Landscape Archaeology (EST-AP) research group. After obtaining his PhD in 2014, he became a member of the CEAACP at the Universidade de Coimbra. Since 2020 he has returned as a researcher to the IH of the CSIC, within the Talent Recruitment Program of the Comunidad de Madrid regional government. His research has focused on the landscape archaeology of the social and territorial transformations of the indigenous communities in the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula during the Iron Age and the integration in the Roman Empire. He has focused mainly on mining landscapes. He currently leads the AVRARIA project, aiming to study gold mining in Hispania.
PhD in History at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2018), graduate of history at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2001). He has worked in numerous research projects in archaeology and history at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). He is currently a university professor working in various European and American programs. His research line is knowledge transfer in archaeology and the socio-economic value of cultural heritage.
Guillermo Reher
Antonio Rodríguez
Antonio Rodríguez
Antonio Rodríguez is currently a team member of EST-AP research group (IH-CSIC), graduated on History on 2012, MIHCA in 2013 and PhD on 2018 (UCM), with research stays at Università Federico II di Napoli and University of Liverpool. His main lines of research are focused on long-term transformations of Northwestern Hispania during Roman Imperial Age, with special interest on taxation systems, resources exploitation and manpower management.
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