PROJECT EXHIBITION Landscape and society. Analysis of social perception in cultural landscapes (PAYSOC)

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During the celebration of the LAC2020+1, in collaboration with the Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico, we can enjoy an online exhibition with the results of the project Landscape and society. Analysis of social perception in cultural landscapes (PAYSOC). This four years project (RTI2018-096611-B-100) is funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, within the Retos de la Investigación program held by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación, with a budget of 60.500 €.

PAYSOC main objective is the development of a methodology for analyzing social perception in cultural landscapes with virtual ethnography. The study of cultural landscapes social perception is addressed from a qualitative approach, contrasting vernacular knowledge with the academia perspective. The project is based on the analysis of a group of thirty significant landscapes, selected from those included in the Registro de Paisajes de Interés Cultural de Andalucía (R-PICA) already identified and characterized from an academic focus without the support of local populations. The methodology developed is tested on Andalusian landscapes as well as within the World Heritage Cultural Landscapes of Risco Caído y montañas sagradas de Gran Canaria (Spain) and Ferrara, città del Rinascimento e il suo Delta del Po (Italy).

The PAYSOC proposal is based on the potential of virtual ethnography to overcome the bias of academic research, which have often neglected the perception of several agents and social groups involved in the management of their own heritage.

The project count with an important array of professional profiles (Anthropology, History of Art, Archaeology, History, Geography, Sociology, Cultural Management, Turism and Digital Marketing) and also with the participation of five national and international research institutions, under the coordination of the Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico: Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad Pablo Olavide, Universidad Europea de Canarias and Università degli Studi di Ferrara.


PROJECT EXHIBITION Landscape and society 2
Analysis of social perception in cultural landscapes (PAYSOC)
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